August 11, 1945 -- an excellent side-elevation view of the first
prototype Kikka; note the strong resemblance to the Me 262.
Kikka (Orange Blossom), though a bit smaller than the Messerschmitt Me
262, was clearly inspired by the German jet fighter. Its primary claim
to fame is that it was the very first Japanese aircraft to take off
under jet power, even if it did so only once. Aside from that, it was
yet again a case of too little, too late, since only the one prototype
actually flew, although a second one was just a few days short of
readiness when Japan capitulated.
Enthusiastic reports from the Japanese air attaché in Berlin on the
development of the Me 262 led the Naval Air Staff, in September of
1944, to instruct Nakajima to design and build a similar aircraft for
use as a high-speed attack bomber relying on speed to evade
interceptors. The formal requirements included the following: (a) a top
speed of 432 mph; (b) a range of 127 statute miles with a 1,102-lb.
bombload, or 173 st. miles with a 551-lb. bombload; (c) a landing speed
of 92 mph; and (d) a take-off run of just 1,150 feet when using two
992-lb. thrust RATOG bottles under the wings. Additionally, the new jet
was to be easily built by semi-skilled labour, and the outer wing
panels were to be foldable, enabling the aircraft to be concealed in
caves and tunnels.

Last-minute adjustments are made to the Kikka's starboard engine
Designers Kazuo Ohno
and Kenichi Matsumura created a plane that could be called a 2/3 rd or
¾ th-scale mimic of the Messerschmitt fighter. Whereas the Me 262 had a
wingspan of about 40 feet and a length of around 34 feet, the Japanese
aircraft was just a bit over 26 ½ feet long with a wingspan of just
over 32 ¾ feet. Its wing was nicely swept, but the tail surfaces were
not, and all control surfaces were, oddly enough, fabric-covered in an
otherwise-all-metal airplane. The canopy was a three-piece sliding
type, instead of the Messerschmitt’s three-piece hinged “coffin-lid”
The twin turbojets were
mounted beneath the wings in separate nacelles, allowing, with a
minimum of changes, the installation of a variety of engines as they
were developed. As it turned out, this feature was quite useful, as
engine development fell behind that of the airframe. Initially, the
plane was to have been powered by two Campini-type Tsu-11 engines, but
these were replaced by a pair of 750-lb. thrust Ne-12 turbojets. But
the future of the Navy Special Attacker Kikka (as it was designated)
was made uncertain by the failure of the Ne-12 to develop its designed
power during ground tests. By a stroke of luck, Engineer Eichi Iwaya of
the Navy had obtained detailed photographs of the BMW 003 axial-flow
turbojets used in the Me 262, and from those photos the Japanese were
able to create a similar engine, designated Ne-20, with a theoretical
power output of 1,047 pounds of static thrust. Everyone concerned felt
the Ne-20 was perfect for the Kikka, and so the project’s pace was
speeded up during the summer of 1945.

The Kikka's Ne-20 turbojet engine
At this point, a note
about the aircraft’s designation would be in order. Although it was
dubbed a "Special Attacker", this writer believes that the Kikka was
not actually intended for kamikaze attacks, except in extremis (i.e.,
if the pilot were wounded or the airplane was damaged, and could not
return to base). It seems very foolish to go to the trouble to design a
very expensive jet-powered plane and then assign it to one-way
missions. The Me 262 was notorious for requiring a skilled pilot to fly
it, and even then the pilot, if he had previous experience in aircraft
with reciprocating engines, had to unlearn a lot of habits which were
all right for flying conventional fighters but which could be fatal in
the 262. For example, the Me 262’s throttles could not be “chopped”,
i.e., quickly brought from high power to a lower-power setting, or
shoved forward swiftly, “balls to the wall” as American flying slang
put it.
Jet throttles had to
manipulated carefully and slowly, or else the jet engines would flame
out, either from fuel starvation or fuel satiation. Thus, by analogy,
only skillful pilots could fly the Kikka. Undoubtedly the Japanese were
aware, from reports from their air attaché in Germany, of the unique
problems involved in flying a jet as opposed to flying a more
conventional aircraft. Thus, the Kikka could not have been intended as
a kamikaze aircraft. Indeed, it was intended for other roles besides
being a fast attack bomber, as will be seen. The term “Special
Attacker” refers, in this writer’s opinion, to the special way the
Kikka was powered (by jets) rather than to its being intended for
“special”, i.e., suicide, attacks.

The Kikka's test pilot and a ground crewman look on as a technician
makes sure all systems are 'Go'.
With its Ne-20 engines
installed, the Kikka prototype was given its first ground tests on June
30, 1945. Late in July, it was dismantled and taken to Kisarazu Naval
Airfield, where after re-assembly it was flown for the first time on
August 7, with Lt. Cdr. Susumu Takaoka as test pilot. The Kikka taxied
for a long time before it gained enough speed to lift off the ground;
the flight itself lasted just 20 minutes, and the aircraft was never
taken above 2000 feet. The slowness with which it gained take-off speed
delayed the second flight until August 11, when it attempted to lift
off with RATOG bottles beneath the wings. Unfortunately, the rocket
bottles were not installed at the correct angle to lift the Kikka off
the runway, and after the rockets burned out, the pilot aborted the
take-off and crashed into the rough ground beyond the runway’s end. The
second prototype was almost ready for its own first flight when the war
ended on August 15. Eighteen additional prototypes and pre-production
examples were left in various stages of construction on that date.
Aside from the basic attack bomber, there was a projected unarmed
two-seat trainer, and the third Kikka was to be the prototype for this
variant. An unarmed two-seat reconnaissance version and a cannon-armed
single-seat fighter were also under development at the war’s end. The
fighter variant was to have been powered by either a pair of 1,984-lb.
thrust Ne-130 or a pair of 1,951-lb. thrust Ne-330 axial-flow
turbojets, and armed with a pair of nose-mounted 30mm cannon.

The second prototype Kikka, seen just after the close of the war
Nakajima Kikka
Technical Data
Single-seat twin-jet attack bomber, of all-metal construction with
fabric-covered tail surfaces.
Pilot in enclosed cockpit.
Two Ne-20 axial-flow turbojets, rated at 1,047-lb. of static thrust.
Armament: One 1,102-lb. or 1,764-lb. bomb under the fuselage
centre section.
Dimensions, weights, and performance:
Wingspan: 32 ft. 9 11/16 in.;
length, 26 ft. 7 7/8 in.;
height, 9 ft. 8 5/32 in.;
wing area, 142.083 sq. ft.;
empty weight, 5,071 lb.;
loaded weight, 7,716 lb.;
maximum weight, 8,995 lb.;
wing loading, 54.3 lb./sq. ft.;
power loading, 3.7 lb./lb. s. t.;
maximum speed, 387 mph at sea level, (estimated) 433 mph at 32,810 ft.;
(estimated) climb to 32,810 ft., 26 minutes;
(estimated) service ceiling, 39,370 ft.;
(estimated) range, 586 statute miles. |